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Seniors Housing - The Roadkill of Recent Housing Reforms
Thought leadership
April 10, 2024

Seniors Housing - The Roadkill of Recent Housing Reforms

Seniors housing faces challenges amidst recent NSW housing reforms, risking its viability as a part-solution to the housing crisis. Ethos Urban Director, Planning, Daniel West, calls for urgent legislative adjustments to ensure seniors housing remains competitive and integral to housing supply strategies.

Unlocking Potential: NSW's Transport Oriented Development Program
Thought leadership
April 4, 2024

Unlocking Potential: NSW's Transport Oriented Development Program

The NSW Government released its Transport-Oriented Development Program in December 2023. Yvette Carr, Director, Planning provides insights into the program's proposed changes and potential implications.

Accommodating Melbourne's Population Growth an Ongoing Balancing Act
NewsResearchThought leadership
March 27, 2024

Accommodating Melbourne's Population Growth an Ongoing Balancing Act

The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals Greater Melbourne's 3.3% population surge, surpassing 5.2 million residents. High population growth amplifies the challenges faced by governments in accommodating new housing. Chris McNeill, Director, Economics, reviews the latest regional population data.

Mitigating loneliness and maximising wellbeing: ensuring inclusivity in residential aged care
Thought leadership
September 25, 2023

Mitigating loneliness and maximising wellbeing: ensuring inclusivity in residential aged care

When we consider inclusivity in aged care, traditional models have focused on viewing the needs of the elderly cumulatively, or with a combined lens, focusing on addressing physical health conditions as we age – such as improving accessibility. This article highlights the importance of diversity and inclusive design in responding to the need to focus on social wellbeing as we age.

Housing SEPP GFA Definition Change - More Floor Space for Seniors Housing!
NewsResearchThought leadership
August 18, 2023

Housing SEPP GFA Definition Change - More Floor Space for Seniors Housing!

A new updated definition of Gross Floor Area (GFA) for seniors housing within Part 5 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 (Housing SEPP) commenced yesterday and can be found here. This update provides much needed certainty and is a positive step for the industry's growth. It is planning reform that Ethos Urban is proud to have led in directly advocating for an emergency housekeeping amendment and then advising the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on the best approach.

Planning and Infrastructure pricing - will Western Sydney benefit?
ResearchThought leadership
June 26, 2023

Planning and Infrastructure pricing - will Western Sydney benefit?

The NSW Government has made housing affordability and suitability a key focus since coming to power. The ‘housing crisis’ has seen supply slow and prices rise dramatically, fuelled by a drop in new home construction, materials supply and pricing issues, and workforce constraints.

Artificial intelligence and trust in planning
NewsResearchThought leadership
June 16, 2023

Artificial intelligence and trust in planning

In late 2022, artificial intelligence (AI) interface ChatGPT sent shockwaves through society as people, for the first time, meaningfully considered what a post-AI society might look like.
Questions were raised around what these technologies would mean for a wide range of professions, and planning was no exception.

Women sleeping rough: determining solutions to homelessness with a gendered lens
NewsResearchThought leadership
March 16, 2023

Women sleeping rough: determining solutions to homelessness with a gendered lens

Whilst homelessness can affect any gender, women in Australia are increasingly struggling to find access to affordable and safe housing. 

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We assist our clients with identifying project risks, overcoming challenges, and in navigating a clear pathway to achieve their project objectives. Our in-depth sector knowledge, underpinned by 30 years' experience, provides the support to drive innovative urban experiences.

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People are our ethos. Our reputation as a market leading planning, design, engagement, economics, social strategy and project advisory & management firm is the result of having valued and passionate people who want to make a difference to everyone’s experience of urban living.

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