Uluru Statement from the Heart

Ethos Urban’s vision for reconciliation is to articulate, celebrate and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, histories, truths, peoples and Country through our projects, thought leadership and ultimately the built environment which we contribute to creating. It is vital that First Nations peoples, who are the Traditional Custodians of this country, are actively involved in the creation of places and policies which shape the built and natural environment.
As a business, our reconciliation journey has been influenced by the development and completion of our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) during 2021-2022, and we are now proud to be undertaking our second RAP, the Innovate RAP over the 2022-2024 period. The evolution from our Reflect to Innovate RAP heralds a transition from exploration to action; action towards creating meaningful change by leveraging our unique skills, capacities, connections, and influence within a wide sphere of Australia’s urban and regional environments. The RAP process commenced following a strong desire from our team for Ethos Urban to recognise our cultural responsibility in our attitudes, day-to-day business operations and our project work.
A link to Ethos Urban’s Innovate RAP is provided here Reconciliation Action Plan - Ethos Urban
As we commence NAIDOC week in 2023, Ethos Urban is proud to endorse the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
In 2017, the First Nations National Constitutional Convention made the Uluru Statement from the Heart calling for the establishment of a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution and the establishment of a Makarrata Commission for the purpose of treaty-making and truth-telling.
Ethos Urban acknowledges that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are the longest surviving continuous cultures in the world. As such we are committed to respecting and including this culture within our workplace and through our work, particularly given that we work on and with Aboriginal Country each and every day.
Ethos Urban proudly supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
We are also educating our staff regarding the importance of the Uluru Statement of the Heart. Read the Full Uluru Statement from the Heart here. https://ulurustatement.org/the-statement/view-the-statement/
3rd July 2023
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