Ethos Urban was engaged to develop a comprehensive Homelessness Strategy for Sydney Metro West, to support delivery contractors in engaging and supporting people who are homeless near the construction sites throughout the construction execution phase.

Sydney Metro engaged Ethos Urban to develop a Homelessness Strategy for Sydney Metro West. Sydney Metro West will connect Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD and it is a once-in-a-century infrastructure investment will transform Sydney for generations to come. Recognising that transport infrastructure often serves as a place of shelter or residence for people sleeping rough, Ethos Urban were tasked with developing a clear strategy and supporting documents that would support the delivery contractors in engaging and supporting people who are homeless near the construction sites during the construction period.

The Homelessness Strategy firstly outlines how the project’s construction will have an impact on people sleeping rough. The Strategy then outlines principles for engagement based on ensuring dignity and respect for rough sleepers, and ensuring all communications and support aligns with the Protocol for Homeless People in Public Places. The Strategy highlights how to proactively ensure safety and wellbeing – for both contractors and rough sleepers during the construction process, ensuring dignity, safety, and connection to essential services.

It also highlights how to connect people sleeping rough with support services, and key support organisations that contractors can work with to ensure positive social outcomes for people sleeping rough.


Sydney Metro


Sydney, NSW


Completed 2022


Madeleine Beart

Madeleine Beart

Associate Director | Melbourne