The NSW Government’s Stage 2 Low and Mid-Rise Housing reforms aim to increase density near transport hubs and town centres, but will they provide the necessary boost to housing supply?

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) has finalised the Low and Mid-Rise Housing (LMR) reforms that allow increased density near identified transport hubs and key town centres.  Designed to address housing supply challenges, these changes support a mix of low and mid-rise developments in well-connected areas. With standardised planning controls for height, floor space, and urban greening, the policy seeks to deliver more homes while maintaining sustainable and liveable communities.

Understanding these changes can be complex. Our experts can help landowners and developers assess site eligibility, navigate compliance with SEPP and local controls, and identify strategic opportunities. Contact us to discuss your project.

The reforms are expected to facilitate the development of 112,000 new homes, with additional requirements for deep soil planting and urban greening introduced through the new Tree Canopy Guide. The interplay between local and state controls however, presents challenges, and understanding these new provisions is essential.

To help you stay informed, we’ve prepared a concise Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy Snapshot outlining the key changes and their implications. Download the Snapshot now.

For a more detailed breakdown of the reforms, read our full Policy Monitor summary.

As the NSW Low and Mid-Rise Housing reforms take effect, their success in unlocking housing supply will depend on how they interact with local planning frameworks and development feasibility. Understanding the opportunities and constraints within the new policy is crucial for landowners and developers looking to navigate the evolving landscape.

Our team at Ethos Urban has the expertise to help you assess site potential, interpret the policy changes, and develop strategies to make the most of these reforms.

Get in touch today to discuss how these changes impact your projects and how we can support your next steps.

Ben Craig

Ben Craig

Director | Sydney

Clare Swan

Clare Swan

Director & Living Sector Lead | Sydney

Jessica Saunders

Jessica Saunders

Associate Director | Sydney

Matthew Thrum

Matthew Thrum

Senior Urbanist | Sydney

Stefan Meissner

Stefan Meissner

Director | Sydney

Stephen Gouge

Stephen Gouge

Director | Sydney

Yvette Carr

Yvette Carr

Director | Sydney