A new abode for mega-cruise ships in SE Queensland 

Ethos Urban managed the statutory planning process to advance Phase 1 of the Brisbane International Cruise Terminal (BICT) project, including site preparation works associated with filling, reclaiming land and removal of marine vegetation. 

The BICT is a major state significant project that is one of the first approved and delivered project under the Queensland Government’s Market-Led Proposal scheme.

The development application involved navigating a complex planning approvals pathway framework and technical assessment associated coastal and marine plant process.

Completed in mid-2020, the BICT accommodates mega cruise ships and establishes Brisbane as a major international cruise ship destination providing significant tourism and economic development benefits for Queensland.

Within 20 years, the BICT will potentially triple Brisbane’s cruise industry to support 3,750 jobs, bring 766,260 visitors annually and contribute $1,3 billion in net expenditure into the Brisbane economy.


Port of Brisbane


Brisbane, QLD

