Warehouse and Distribution Centre State Significant DA
Ethos Urban prepared a State Significant DA and EIS for the construction and operation of a warehouse and distribution centre on the 22- hectare site located at the interchange of the M4 and M7 Motorways and within the Western Sydney Employment Area.
The DA addressed the demolition of all structures on site, bulk earthworks, infrastructure, internal roads, and the construction of five warehouses and associated offices. with a total of 110,000sqm of floor space catering for warehouse, logistics and manufacturing tenants.
Key issues that Ethos Urban addressed in its EIS and through the assessment process included the visual impact of retaining walls associated with the development from nearby residences, traffic, and access and stormwater management.
Ethos Urban has subsequently assisted Mirvac with a number of modifications to the consent to facilitate high profile tenants including Miele and ACFS e Solutions.