Ethos Urban prepared the Issues and Opportunities Paper for Stage 3 of the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Land Management Plan.

The Project offered a unique opportunity for a complete re-examination of the current public uses occurring at the land and a reimagination of its potential to operate as a vibrant, accessible, inclusive state-significant open space and recreation and events venue.

Our team undertook: 

  1. A review of background documents, including municipal and State strategic policy, technical reports, lease and license agreements, and other relevant documentation provided by project stakeholders;  
  2. Three phases of community engagement with Civic and Corporate and Community Project Advisory Groups and the broader community; and 
  3. In-depth site investigation at the Reserve 

The analysis culminated in a Report that identified key issues and opportunities at the Reserve for consideration by the Land Management Plan under five key themes: 

  1. Environment; 
  2. Access and movement; 
  3. Open space and recreation; 
  4. Culture, community, and events; and  
  5. Management 


Tim Peggie

Tim Peggie

Director | Melbourne