A key component of the Green Square Town Centre, Australia's largest urban renewal project.

Ethos Urban is proud to have assisted Mirvac in realising Stage 2 of the Green Square Town Centre, which comprises 311 residential apartments with a vibrant ground plane of residential and retail uses.

Marketed by Mirvac as ‘The Frederick’, ‘Portman on the Park’, and ‘Portman House’ – the four buildings designed CO-AP and Smart Design Studio, are a key component in Mirvac’s drive to deliver more than 1600 apartments in the Green Square urban renewal area, along with contemporary office and commercial spaces, together with substantial public domain and street networks to be constructed and dedicated to the City of Sydney.

Ethos Urban have assisted Mirvac since 2015 through the management of a competitive architectural design process, preparation of the detailed Development Application, planning advice and undertaking numerous supporting applications throughout the project’s accelerated delivery phase. Specifically, Ethos Urban assisted in successful requests to vary the height of buildings development standard across the site.

Mirvac have been partnered with the City of Sydney and Landcom since 2012 to deliver the centerpiece town centre, in Australia’s fasting growing urban area and Ethos Urban is proud to have assisted across multiple sites in the broader development.




Zetland, Sydney




Alexis Cella

Alexis Cella

Director | Brisbane

Daniel Howard

Daniel Howard

Director | Sydney

Mercedes Janecek

Mercedes Janecek

Principal | Sydney