A consultative approach.

Ethos Urban has been working with Mirvac for over five years on its major mixed-use redevelopment of the Australian Technology Park in Eveleigh, providing planning, engagement and economics services. 

Preparation of a State Significant Development Application encompassed the detailed development of the site, including commercial, retail and community uses across three new buildings, together with associated car parking, landscaping, public domain improvements and infrastructure augmentation.  

An Economic Assessment supported the project application for this project that features some 100,000+ sqm of floor space across three new buildings. 

The tailored assessment identified key employment and capital expenditure outcomes for financial technology employment, anchored by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and ancillary leisure and retail uses at the site. The tailored assessment identified key employment and capital expenditure outcomes for financial technology employment, anchored by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and ancillary leisure and retail uses at the site. 

The analysis considered the alignment of economic outcomes with employment and economic objectives of key strategic government planning policies. 

A complex Communications and Engagement Strategy involved engagement with local businesses and community and the establishment of a governance and decision-making process that involves the community through various liaison groups and advisory forums. The stakeholder engagement process involved liaison and coordination with Transport for NSW and Urban Growth in relation to Redfern Station and the Central to Eveleigh growth precinct. 




Eveleigh, NSW


Alexis Cella

Alexis Cella

Director | Brisbane

Andrew Duggan

Andrew Duggan

Director | Sydney

Claire Burdett

Claire Burdett

Associate Director | Sydney

Nina Macken

Nina Macken

Director | Sydney

Ross Hornsey

Ross Hornsey

Director and National Lead (Social Strategy and Engagement) | Sydney