Swire Cold Storage Facility, Marsden Park
Ethos Urban prepared an Environmental Impact Statement in support of a State Significant Development application for a new state of the art cold storage facility at Marsden Park.
The development was assessed on the basis of two construction delivery stages, the subject of a single Development Application for the entire project.
The facility stored large volumes of ammonia and required the preparation of a Preliminary Hazard Analysis. It was also one of the early developments within a new industrial precinct within the North West Growth Centre, requiring careful consideration of State Infrastructure Contributions, and local Section 94 levies.
The development involved fully automated racking system, with a high bay requiring a significant exceedance of the height limit specific in the Growth Centres SEPP. Ethos Urban prepared a Clause 4.6 Variation to the height standard, and liaised closely with the Department of Planning and Environment, and Blacktown Council, throughout the assessment period.