The Locomotive Workshop
Ethos Urban designed and implemented a communications and engagement strategy for the preparation of two State Significant Development Applications (SSDAs) for the adaptive reuse of the Locomotive Workshop in Eveleigh.
The proposed redevelopment has attracted significant community interest due to its unique built and social heritage.
The communications and engagement strategy was designed to bring highly engaged stakeholders along the planning and design process, including interpretation of the Workshop’s heritage assets. This iterative design process required regular feedback loops with stakeholders, including formal panels, design workshops, community information sessions, and a range of communications materials such as brochures and postcards.
Communications and engagement activities created numerous channels to not only provide information, but to also gather important information to inform and guide the design process.
Proactive, inclusive and genuine engagement activities helped to demonstrate the real opportunities and constraints of the development. By sharing this, stakeholders were able to better understand the design and decision-making process.
South Eveleigh, NSW