Ethos Urban was engaged by Keyton (formerly, Lend Lease Retirement Living) to prepare an Urban Design Guide for a new Health and Wellbeing Precinct. It has received concept DA approval and establishes a robust framework that outlines a range of performance objectives and guidelines for the built form and public domain components of the precinct.

Ethos Urban's Planning and Urban Design teams have worked with PTW Architects, Scape Landscape Architects and Waters Consultancy to develop an Urban Design Guide adopted by Council to ensure the delivery of high quality, place-based design outcomes for the precinct. This guide has supported an application put forward to Wollongong City which has received Concept DA's approval. 

Designed by PTW architects, this precinct will bring to life the concept of intergenerational living with 240 independent living units, 120 bed residential care facility, 80 place childcare facility, community facilities, recreation facilities, retail and 6,000 sqm of open space. The precinct will also have integrated university learning and research spaces and activities embedded within it to deliver a model of care for future residents that is truly unique to the Australian retirement living landscape.

Key features of the Urban Design Guide include: 

  • Engaging with multi-disciplinary team and Wollongong City Council.
  • Developing an appreciation and familiarity with the Illawarra region.
  • Embedding a key understanding of landscape to develop a connecting to Country Framework.
  • Articulating and resolving built form and public domain relationships.
  • Aligning the urban design guide with the broader campus vision to ensure the precincts ‘living lab’ purpose is realised.


Keyton (formerly Lend Lease)


Wollongong, NSW


Completed 2024


Craig Allchin

Craig Allchin

Director | Sydney

Daniel West

Daniel West

Director | Sydney

Ivan Ip

Ivan Ip

Director | Sydney

Ping Chien Ng

Ping Chien Ng

Principal | Sydney