Our team of sector leaders are equipped with a deep working knowledge across key industry sectors.

For over 30 years our people have supported the public and private sectors in developing better ways to progress our cities, rural towns, and places, for the communities and purpose they serve.

Guided by a unique, end-to-end insight into what defines sustainable success at every step of urban change, our clients trust us to achieve quality solutions and innovative project outcomes.

Community infrastructure

Community infrastructure

Government advisory

Government advisory



Ethos Urban is committed to making cities and regions not just liveable but also workable. This commitment is about more than place-making – it’s also about connecting places, people, and products. For the past 30 years, we have been at the forefront of planning for Industrial and logistics projects. These projects are technically challenging, requiring specific governance protocols and specialist navigation through complex statutory approval pathways.



Ethos Urban specialises in major urban renewal precincts. Our national team has extensive experience in urban planning, economics, design, engagement, strategy, and project management to create better urban experiences.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy

Ethos Urban is a national leader in preparing comprehensive planning, economic, social strategy and community engagement advice to renewable energy developers, landowners and investors. Our guidance is tailored to help clients successfully navigate the complexities of the approval process for renewable energy and sustainability projects of all scales.



We work with developers, landowners, national retail brands, government agencies and investors across Australia. The scope of our work ranges from specialised shopping centres, and large format retail centres, through to main street environments, network planning and policy development.

Expertise includes retail planning approvals, due diligence, network planning, portfolio reviews, site selection advice, economic impact assessments, policy development, as well as concept design. We support this through the use of sophisticated data analysis and insights developed through our extensive experience in this sector.

Seniors living

Seniors living

About us

Why Ethos Urban?

We assist our clients with identifying project risks, overcoming challenges, and in navigating a clear pathway to achieve their project objectives. Our in-depth sector knowledge, underpinned by 30 years' experience, provides the support to drive innovative urban experiences.

Discover more about us

Our People

People are our ethos. Our reputation as a market leading planning, design, engagement, economics, social strategy and project advisory & management firm is the result of having valued and passionate people who want to make a difference to everyone’s experience of urban living.

Meet the team