Wyndham Public Toilet Strategy
Ethos Urban was engaged by Wyndham City Council to develop a framework for the provision of public toilets within the municipality over the next ten years.
The Wyndham Public Toilet Strategy & Implementation Framework established a framework for planning and decision-making regarding the provision, accessibility, management, siting and design of public toilet facilities across the municipality. It aims to focus Council investment on public toilet facilities that provide a demonstrated community benefit, and to prioritise safety and accessibility for all users.
Recommendations on upgrades to the network consisted of addition of a number of new standalone facilities to the public toilet network, relocation of existing blocks and improvement of facility standards. The recommended actions also recognise the priority of the proposed works depending on existing provision, customer demand, catchment and open space hierarchy.
The key components of this strategy are:
- An analysis of relevant context and background information.
- A review of the existing and planned public toilet network.
- A strategic Purpose and Principles; and
- An Implementation Plan.